Monday, October 12, 2009

Back on Ventilator

Posted 17 hours ago
We thought Brayden was on the road to recovery from his surgery, even after taking 7 days to be removed from the ventilator. Brayden's Grandma and Nana visited with Brayden last night and received a lot of good information about the complexity of his anatomy. He does have a lung infection (pheunomia) and part of his lung has collapsed. As of today he was on 12 liters of oxygen at 100% using the nasal canula.
This morning at appro.9:30 AM we received a call saying that due to his lung not coming back up like it should they are going to reincubate him, in the hopes it will inflate his lung. We immediately went to the hospital and by the time we got there he had already been incubated, and was given a paralletic to help him sleep and keep him from being aggitated, so that he can rest and heal. They hope to only keep him incubated for a few days. The ventilator was set at 28 respirations, and it was doing all the work for him. He was not breathing above that, but that is due to they want to keep him comfortable and the paralletic state he was in. He at one point this morning was trying to wake up, but you could tell he was not comfortable so was given some medication to help him sleep some more until the paralletic wore completely off.
There is still some concern as to whether Brayden has a pulmonary or oxygen blockage problem that is causing his lung to collapse. Not to minimize the issue that he does have a serious heart defect, but not sure if that is causing all the problems at this point or not. Some talk of having to do a trach and we are hoping that does not occur.
Another care conference may be needed in the near future to discuss plans to get him ready to go home. As it stands right now, he is still unable to go home. We did find out that he can go home on a ventilator, although we are praying that does not happen. If they can wean him down on the oxygen to 1 to 2 liters that would be wonderful, as he is already going to have to go home with a heart monitor, oxygen, feeding tube to name a few.

You can visit Brayden's Care Pages at link below, you will need to register with your email address in order to view. You can see his adorable pictures that have been posted and his updates. His Care Page Name is BabyBoyMoore

cp: BabyBoymoore

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